Crash Test Dummies are much more than their acclaimed album God Shuffled His Feet, and their most successful single (outside of Canada), Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm... but what a song that is! I pretty much missed it the first time round, largely because I was away in China at the time it went to number 2 in the UK charts.
Having revisited the song recently though, wow! It gives me goosebumps (and teary eyes), and it's an anthem of understanding for outsiders and outliers the world over. It gets to the heart of that experience with the stories of three children who are all very different, and if you haven't seen the video, watch it here. It's hauntingly brilliant.
The band's back catalogue stands out for the unique way Brad Roberts (founder of the band, songwriter, lead guitarist and vocalist) writes. Plus, Brad has that one-of-a-kind voice that's unmistakable anywhere.

I caught up with Brad ahead of their latest tour, which arrives at Komedia Bath on May 12th 2025. I was really interested to discover more about Brad's background in music, to chat more about Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm, and to relive some memories, as well as looking forward to the tour.
Take a listen by pressing play below:
Hope you enjoy the conversation,
